Thursday, September 2, 2010

Quien quiere un trato preferencial y terminar muerto

Elias Jaua con cinismo dice que el govierno siempre le brindo trato preferencial a Franklin Brito, ahora analisemos el trato preferencial que Franklin recibio:
1- El y su esposa fueron despedidos de sus trabajos como profesores
2- Sus tieras son expropiadas
3- Sus derechos humanos violados
4- Secuestrado por el estado.
5-Es asesinado por simplemente reclamar

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What a Shame Franklin Brito is dead!

Where is outrage of the people, nation, neighbors or somebody?
He died fighting for his rights, he was not asking for hand outs,
The only thing he wanted was his land to work. He was a dedicate
Father, teacher and good citizen. Besides Franklin losing his life
Venezuela is losing the battle with rampage corruption, insecurity
And the most important and very essence of our democracy Freedom.!