Monday, November 5, 2012
Election 2012 My personal views, how to choose?
• Now allow me to share my personal views on how to choose on “ELECTION 2012” base on my personal beliefs:
IF consider yourself Jews or Christian “Roman Catholic, Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists, Pietism, Evangelical, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian Church of the East
This should be your filters to measure each candidate, laws and Amendments
1- PRO-FAMILY: Man a Woman should remain as couple by law.
If the Federal and State government wants to pass laws to promote protection gay for partners. I am ok with that.
2- PRO-LIFE: Defend those without voice.
3- PRO-CHURCH: Who ever need help or assistant should be going to their communities , churches or local agencies create for that effect NOT The White House.
4- PRO-ISRAEL: read Genesis 12 1-3 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”[
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Chavez, death and the little cold war by Carlos A Montaner
At the foot of the grave, it is assumed that most humans spend the balance of his life, forgive enemies, apologize to the aggrieved persons and try to rectify mistakes. Less Hugo Chavez. Even the serious illness that afflicts, and probably settled in the short to medium term, has succeeded in changing their behavior. This time it is a metaphor: "Genius and figure, to the grave."
In effect, the great Latin American crisis of 2012 and rears its head. The Hugo Chavez unleashed its dangerous ties to Iran, both in the field of nuclear weapons in collaboration with Islamic terrorist groups. If Chavez dies in the coming months, regardless of the economic and social chaos that will leave his countrymen, that will be his legacy: a conflict with Washington, Israel, with the interests of their own people and unnecessary upheaval throughout Latin America . U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, both key figures in the supervision of foreign policy and Washington have called for a thorough investigation of the Venezuelan war activities as a prelude to the formulation of measures get serious avert that risk. With American security is not played. Especially in an election year.
Chavez, irresponsibly, has put his chancery, his intelligence agencies and the military segment, which includes many narco-serving Tehran and Hezbollah terrorists. This collaboration, ABC reported from Madrid, has gone so far as to turn Caracas at the headquarters of a terrorist summit in which he also participated Hamas. In this dark journey, accompanied heartedly by Raul Castro ("these are things of Fidel," Raul used to say with some despair, according to Gen. Quevedo told the highest-ranking Cuban defector in recent times), in various ways crawl conflict with Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua, his merry farce satellites in the XXI century socialism.
Why Chavez is acting in a manner so reckless? It is the result of three factors fatally twisted. First, his messianic character. He thinks he is destined to transform the world. He lives in a magical universe. There is going to die of cancer. Their opponents are a collection of idiots. United States and Europe will collapse. He is invulnerable. Second, his crazy vision of social reality and history. Intellectually, it is a poor devil is, essentially, in the nonsense of The Open Veins of Latin America, Eduardo Galeano pamphlet is often prescribed to spray and pray. Third, his disastrous contact with Fidel Castro, who conveyed his strategic thinking and tactics of struggle against "Yankee imperialism" learned from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Chavez with Fidel, his putative father, are ready to succeed where he failed and betrayed Moscow revolutionaries worldwide. There is nothing new in the alliance between Chavez and the Persian theocracy. In 2002, Fidel Castro, an official visit to Tehran, he said, fiercely and publicly, that Cuba and Iran would "knees" to the United States. Chavez has done nothing but take up these plans and embrace any dictator (Gaddafi, Mugabe, Lukashenko, Assad, Ahmadinejad does not matter), as recommended by the KGB when he planned to conquer the world without a trace of principle or ideological coherence, provided that the satrap coincide in the hatred of the West, especially the United States, and condemned economic freedom.
What can stop this revolutionary spasm? Naturally, the action of responsible countries can articulate containment measures (which do not count, unfortunately, Latin Americans), but is likely to happen this time what the Spanish on the time of tardofranquismo called "biological solution ". Fidel is more dead than alive and spends his rare moments of lucidity to contemplate, wistfully, as his brother Raul slowly but progressively dismantled its political and social experiment failed half a century, while Chavez suffered a serious cancer that has been scattered by the several bones and viscera. Missing these two characters, the little cold war soon extinguished. For once, nature seems to militate on the side of freedom.
In effect, the great Latin American crisis of 2012 and rears its head. The Hugo Chavez unleashed its dangerous ties to Iran, both in the field of nuclear weapons in collaboration with Islamic terrorist groups. If Chavez dies in the coming months, regardless of the economic and social chaos that will leave his countrymen, that will be his legacy: a conflict with Washington, Israel, with the interests of their own people and unnecessary upheaval throughout Latin America . U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, both key figures in the supervision of foreign policy and Washington have called for a thorough investigation of the Venezuelan war activities as a prelude to the formulation of measures get serious avert that risk. With American security is not played. Especially in an election year.
Chavez, irresponsibly, has put his chancery, his intelligence agencies and the military segment, which includes many narco-serving Tehran and Hezbollah terrorists. This collaboration, ABC reported from Madrid, has gone so far as to turn Caracas at the headquarters of a terrorist summit in which he also participated Hamas. In this dark journey, accompanied heartedly by Raul Castro ("these are things of Fidel," Raul used to say with some despair, according to Gen. Quevedo told the highest-ranking Cuban defector in recent times), in various ways crawl conflict with Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua, his merry farce satellites in the XXI century socialism.
Why Chavez is acting in a manner so reckless? It is the result of three factors fatally twisted. First, his messianic character. He thinks he is destined to transform the world. He lives in a magical universe. There is going to die of cancer. Their opponents are a collection of idiots. United States and Europe will collapse. He is invulnerable. Second, his crazy vision of social reality and history. Intellectually, it is a poor devil is, essentially, in the nonsense of The Open Veins of Latin America, Eduardo Galeano pamphlet is often prescribed to spray and pray. Third, his disastrous contact with Fidel Castro, who conveyed his strategic thinking and tactics of struggle against "Yankee imperialism" learned from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Chavez with Fidel, his putative father, are ready to succeed where he failed and betrayed Moscow revolutionaries worldwide. There is nothing new in the alliance between Chavez and the Persian theocracy. In 2002, Fidel Castro, an official visit to Tehran, he said, fiercely and publicly, that Cuba and Iran would "knees" to the United States. Chavez has done nothing but take up these plans and embrace any dictator (Gaddafi, Mugabe, Lukashenko, Assad, Ahmadinejad does not matter), as recommended by the KGB when he planned to conquer the world without a trace of principle or ideological coherence, provided that the satrap coincide in the hatred of the West, especially the United States, and condemned economic freedom.
What can stop this revolutionary spasm? Naturally, the action of responsible countries can articulate containment measures (which do not count, unfortunately, Latin Americans), but is likely to happen this time what the Spanish on the time of tardofranquismo called "biological solution ". Fidel is more dead than alive and spends his rare moments of lucidity to contemplate, wistfully, as his brother Raul slowly but progressively dismantled its political and social experiment failed half a century, while Chavez suffered a serious cancer that has been scattered by the several bones and viscera. Missing these two characters, the little cold war soon extinguished. For once, nature seems to militate on the side of freedom.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Arina Pan, Leche en Polvo, Cafe

Esto es el colmo da sentimiento ,rabia y todo lo que te puedas imaginar que alguien pueda sentir cuando ve algo bello que está siendo destruido “Venezuela” .La ineptitud de un gobierno que esta destruyendo el aparato productivo de un país “Venezuela”. Hablando con amigos y conocidos que van a ese bello país con regalitos o encargos para su familia o amigos en estas fiestas , te podrás imaginar que lo que está en primer lugar en la lista de encargos????” ARINA PAN, LECHE EN POLVO, CAFÉ” Como que dices estás loco si eso dije. La Arina Pan están Venezolana como el alma Llanera y no la hay en Venezuela , pero si en el Imperio , Costarica, Colombia etc.Antes era pruducto de exportacion al igual que el cafe, leche y otros por que ,por que………..Por favor necesito que alguien me dé una explicación valedera POR QUE?
Monday, November 21, 2011
This is what Failure looks like.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Carlos Ilich Ramirez "A terrorist or a Murderer" NY times
Carlos the Jackal is the nickname of Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, a Venezuelan-born terrorist who went on an international killing spree from the 1970s through the 1990s.
Mr. Ramírez was born in Caracas in 1949 to Altagracia Ramírez, a wealthy Marxist lawyer who named his other two sons Vladimir and Lenin.
The Soviet Union expelled Mr. Ramírez as a troublemaker in 1970 while he was a student at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. He soon moved to Lebanon, where he fell in with pro-Palestinian radicals who were plotting terrorist attacks in Europe. He later allied himself with the Baader-Meinhof Gang, a German terrorist group also known as the Red Army Faction.
Mr. Ramírez is on trial in Paris for a series of bombings he is accused of orchestrating in the early 1980s. He is already serving a life sentence there for the killings of two French police agents and a Lebanese informer in 1975 — the same year in which he and a group of followers took several oil ministers hostage at an OPEC meeting in Vienna, killing a Libyan delegate, an Austrian police officer and an Iraqi bodyguard.
In 1992, France convicted Mr. Ramírez in absentia for the 1975 Paris killings. He spent a decade on the run across Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but in 1994, French secret service agents, acting on a tip from the C.I.A., seized him from a hospital bed in Sudan. He was wrapped in a burlap bag and spirited away to France, where he was re-tried in 1997 and given a life sentence.
In 2007, a French investigating judge ordered Mr. Ramírez and three others to stand trial for complicity in four bombings in 1982 and 1983 that left 11 people dead and wounded 195 others, but it was not until this year that a trial date was set.
The charges against Mr. Ramírez stem from a bombing in March 1982 of a Paris-Toulouse train in southwestern France; an attack in April 1982 on the Paris offices of an Arabic-language newspaper, Al Watan; and the bombing in December 1983 of a high-speed train and the main rail station in Marseille.
Prosecutors allege that those attacks were part of a personal war that Mr. Ramírez waged against the French authorities in an effort to secure the liberation of his girlfriend at the time, Magdalena Kopp, a German former revolutionary who had been imprisoned for an attempted bombing in 1982.
As evidence, prosecutors have cited an anonymous 1982 letter bearing Mr. Ramírez’s fingerprints that was addressed to France’s interior minister at the time, Gaston Defferre, demanding the release of Ms. Kopp and a Swiss accomplice. But Mr. Ramírez’s lawyers claim the letter does not exist. Ms. Kopp, who was married to Mr. Ramírez in Syria in 1985 and has a daughter with him, has since become a witness for the prosecution.
None of Mr. Ramírez’s three co-defendants is expected to appear at the trial, which is scheduled to run until Dec. 16. Johannes Weinrich, a 64-year-old German who once headed European operations for Mr. Ramírez, is already serving a life sentence in Germany for another bombing. Christa-Margot Fröhlich, 69, is a fugitive from a 2001 French arrest warrant, though she is believed to be living in Germany. The whereabouts of the third defendant, Ali Kamal al-Issawi, 70, are unknown
Mr. Ramírez was born in Caracas in 1949 to Altagracia Ramírez, a wealthy Marxist lawyer who named his other two sons Vladimir and Lenin.
The Soviet Union expelled Mr. Ramírez as a troublemaker in 1970 while he was a student at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow. He soon moved to Lebanon, where he fell in with pro-Palestinian radicals who were plotting terrorist attacks in Europe. He later allied himself with the Baader-Meinhof Gang, a German terrorist group also known as the Red Army Faction.
Mr. Ramírez is on trial in Paris for a series of bombings he is accused of orchestrating in the early 1980s. He is already serving a life sentence there for the killings of two French police agents and a Lebanese informer in 1975 — the same year in which he and a group of followers took several oil ministers hostage at an OPEC meeting in Vienna, killing a Libyan delegate, an Austrian police officer and an Iraqi bodyguard.
In 1992, France convicted Mr. Ramírez in absentia for the 1975 Paris killings. He spent a decade on the run across Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but in 1994, French secret service agents, acting on a tip from the C.I.A., seized him from a hospital bed in Sudan. He was wrapped in a burlap bag and spirited away to France, where he was re-tried in 1997 and given a life sentence.
In 2007, a French investigating judge ordered Mr. Ramírez and three others to stand trial for complicity in four bombings in 1982 and 1983 that left 11 people dead and wounded 195 others, but it was not until this year that a trial date was set.
The charges against Mr. Ramírez stem from a bombing in March 1982 of a Paris-Toulouse train in southwestern France; an attack in April 1982 on the Paris offices of an Arabic-language newspaper, Al Watan; and the bombing in December 1983 of a high-speed train and the main rail station in Marseille.
Prosecutors allege that those attacks were part of a personal war that Mr. Ramírez waged against the French authorities in an effort to secure the liberation of his girlfriend at the time, Magdalena Kopp, a German former revolutionary who had been imprisoned for an attempted bombing in 1982.
As evidence, prosecutors have cited an anonymous 1982 letter bearing Mr. Ramírez’s fingerprints that was addressed to France’s interior minister at the time, Gaston Defferre, demanding the release of Ms. Kopp and a Swiss accomplice. But Mr. Ramírez’s lawyers claim the letter does not exist. Ms. Kopp, who was married to Mr. Ramírez in Syria in 1985 and has a daughter with him, has since become a witness for the prosecution.
None of Mr. Ramírez’s three co-defendants is expected to appear at the trial, which is scheduled to run until Dec. 16. Johannes Weinrich, a 64-year-old German who once headed European operations for Mr. Ramírez, is already serving a life sentence in Germany for another bombing. Christa-Margot Fröhlich, 69, is a fugitive from a 2001 French arrest warrant, though she is believed to be living in Germany. The whereabouts of the third defendant, Ali Kamal al-Issawi, 70, are unknown
Carlos Ilich Ramirez "Un terrorista o un Asesino" NY times
Carlos el Chacal es el apodo de Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, un terrorista nacido en Venezuela, que se encendió una ola de asesinatos internacionales de la década de 1970 hasta la década de 1990.
El señor Ramírez nació en Caracas en 1949 a Altagracia Ramírez, un acaudalado abogado marxista que nombró a sus otros dos hijos, Vladimir y Lenin.
La Unión Soviética expulsó al Sr. Ramírez como un elemento perturbador en 1970 cuando era estudiante en la Universidad Patricio Lumumba de Moscú. Pronto se trasladó a Líbano, donde se topó con pro-palestinos radicales que planeaban ataques terroristas en Europa. Más tarde se alió con la banda Baader-Meinhof, un grupo terrorista alemán también conocida como la Facción del Ejército Rojo.
El Sr. Ramírez es procesado en París por una serie de atentados que se le acusa de orquestar en la década de 1980. Él ya está cumpliendo una sentencia de cadena perpetua no por los asesinatos de dos agentes de la policía francesa y un libanés informante en 1975 - el mismo año en que él y un grupo de seguidores tomaron como rehenes a varios ministros de petróleo en una reunión de la OPEP en Viena, matando a un delegado de Libia , un agente de la policía austriaca y un guardaespaldas iraquí.
En 1992, Francia condenó al señor Ramírez en ausencia por el asesinato de París 1975. Pasó una década en la carrera a través de Europa del Este y Oriente Medio, pero en 1994, agentes del servicio secreto francés, siguiendo una pista de la CIA, se apoderó de él de una cama de hospital en Sudán. Estaba envuelto en una bolsa de arpillera y El viaje de Chihiro a Francia, donde fue juzgado de nuevo en 1997 y condenado a cadena perpetua.
En 2007, un juez francés de instrucción ordenó el señor Ramírez y otros tres para ser juzgado por complicidad en cuatro atentados en 1982 y 1983 que dejó 11 personas muertas y heridas a otros 195, pero no fue hasta este año que la fecha del juicio se fijó.
Los cargos contra el señor Ramírez madre de un bombardeo de marzo 1982 de un tren París-Toulouse en el suroeste de Francia, un ataque en abril de 1982 en las oficinas de París de un periódico en lengua árabe, Al Watan, y el atentado en diciembre de 1983 de un tren de alta velocidad y la estación principal de tren de Marsella.
Los fiscales alegan que los ataques fueron parte de una guerra personal que el señor Ramírez libró contra las autoridades francesas en un esfuerzo por asegurar la liberación de su novia en ese entonces, Magdalena Kopp, una ex revolucionaria alemana que había sido encarcelado por un intento de atentado en 1982.
Como prueba, los fiscales han citado una anónima carta con las huellas dactilares 1982 el Sr. Ramírez que se dirigía a ministro del Interior de Francia en el momento, Gaston Deferre, exigiendo la liberación de la Sra. Kopp y un cómplice de Suiza. Pero los abogados del Sr. Ramírez afirman que la carta no existe. La Sra. Kopp, que estaba casada con el Sr. Ramírez en Siria en 1985 y tiene una hija con él, se ha convertido en un testigo de la acusación.
Ninguno de los tres el Sr. Ramírez es co-acusados se espera que aparezca en el juicio, que está programado para ejecutarse hasta el 16 de diciembre. Johannes Weinrich, un alemán de 64 años de edad, que una vez dirigió las operaciones europeas para el señor Ramírez, ya está cumpliendo una sentencia de cadena perpetua en Alemania por otro bombardeo. Christa-Margot Fröhlich, de 69 años, es un prófugo de la orden de detención francesa 2001, aunque se cree que viven en Alemania. El paradero del tercer acusado, Ali Kamal al-Issawi, de 70 años, son desconocidos.
El señor Ramírez nació en Caracas en 1949 a Altagracia Ramírez, un acaudalado abogado marxista que nombró a sus otros dos hijos, Vladimir y Lenin.
La Unión Soviética expulsó al Sr. Ramírez como un elemento perturbador en 1970 cuando era estudiante en la Universidad Patricio Lumumba de Moscú. Pronto se trasladó a Líbano, donde se topó con pro-palestinos radicales que planeaban ataques terroristas en Europa. Más tarde se alió con la banda Baader-Meinhof, un grupo terrorista alemán también conocida como la Facción del Ejército Rojo.
El Sr. Ramírez es procesado en París por una serie de atentados que se le acusa de orquestar en la década de 1980. Él ya está cumpliendo una sentencia de cadena perpetua no por los asesinatos de dos agentes de la policía francesa y un libanés informante en 1975 - el mismo año en que él y un grupo de seguidores tomaron como rehenes a varios ministros de petróleo en una reunión de la OPEP en Viena, matando a un delegado de Libia , un agente de la policía austriaca y un guardaespaldas iraquí.
En 1992, Francia condenó al señor Ramírez en ausencia por el asesinato de París 1975. Pasó una década en la carrera a través de Europa del Este y Oriente Medio, pero en 1994, agentes del servicio secreto francés, siguiendo una pista de la CIA, se apoderó de él de una cama de hospital en Sudán. Estaba envuelto en una bolsa de arpillera y El viaje de Chihiro a Francia, donde fue juzgado de nuevo en 1997 y condenado a cadena perpetua.
En 2007, un juez francés de instrucción ordenó el señor Ramírez y otros tres para ser juzgado por complicidad en cuatro atentados en 1982 y 1983 que dejó 11 personas muertas y heridas a otros 195, pero no fue hasta este año que la fecha del juicio se fijó.
Los cargos contra el señor Ramírez madre de un bombardeo de marzo 1982 de un tren París-Toulouse en el suroeste de Francia, un ataque en abril de 1982 en las oficinas de París de un periódico en lengua árabe, Al Watan, y el atentado en diciembre de 1983 de un tren de alta velocidad y la estación principal de tren de Marsella.
Los fiscales alegan que los ataques fueron parte de una guerra personal que el señor Ramírez libró contra las autoridades francesas en un esfuerzo por asegurar la liberación de su novia en ese entonces, Magdalena Kopp, una ex revolucionaria alemana que había sido encarcelado por un intento de atentado en 1982.
Como prueba, los fiscales han citado una anónima carta con las huellas dactilares 1982 el Sr. Ramírez que se dirigía a ministro del Interior de Francia en el momento, Gaston Deferre, exigiendo la liberación de la Sra. Kopp y un cómplice de Suiza. Pero los abogados del Sr. Ramírez afirman que la carta no existe. La Sra. Kopp, que estaba casada con el Sr. Ramírez en Siria en 1985 y tiene una hija con él, se ha convertido en un testigo de la acusación.
Ninguno de los tres el Sr. Ramírez es co-acusados se espera que aparezca en el juicio, que está programado para ejecutarse hasta el 16 de diciembre. Johannes Weinrich, un alemán de 64 años de edad, que una vez dirigió las operaciones europeas para el señor Ramírez, ya está cumpliendo una sentencia de cadena perpetua en Alemania por otro bombardeo. Christa-Margot Fröhlich, de 69 años, es un prófugo de la orden de detención francesa 2001, aunque se cree que viven en Alemania. El paradero del tercer acusado, Ali Kamal al-Issawi, de 70 años, son desconocidos.
Even that you do not believe it. "Cows are sacred to the Cuban people"
In Cuba if you kill a Human you can get out of jail in 3 years
But under the Theft Act and Sacrifice, if They get you with a pound of beef you get 25 years in prison.
But under the Theft Act and Sacrifice, if They get you with a pound of beef you get 25 years in prison.
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