When a crime is being female
Por: Ramón Lobo
Mujer adicta al opio en Sarab. / ASSOCIATED PRESS.
"Afghanistan is, 11 years after being liberated from the Taliban, the world's most dangerous country for women. This is indicated by a study TrustLaw , Thomson Reuters Foundation. The other four are femicidal Democratic Republic of Congo , by the use of rape as a weapon of war, Pakistan , by so-called 'honor crimes', India , for the slave trade and Somalia , by an accumulation of risks, including ablation and infibulation .
More than a decade of armed presence in the U.S. and its allies in NATO has helped to change significantly the figures macroeconomic decades to crush the people: the same poverty, the same insecurity, the same macho world that prevents access to secondary education and freedom.
Basic data. Life expectancy 43 years. Only 14% of women are literate. An Afghan woman dies every 30 minutes because of problems related to childbirth, only 15% give birth in a medical center. 78% of people living in rural areas lack access to health care. 87% of women have suffered abuse or was forced into an unwanted marriage. 57% of marriages involving girls under 16, forbidden by Afghan law, as the page includes eHow .
Afghan women vote that says the husband and master, and it says that sends the head of the village. The vision of women in labor ballot allows political strategists in the West sell advertising miracle 'Afgansitán and is free', 'it is a true democracy. "
Kandahar, election presidential 2009. / AFP .
The report by the Reuters Thompson Foundation has been prepared by 213 experts on gender violence in five continents. Taken into account six risk factors: health, sexual violence, violence, cultural and religious factors, lack of access to resources and slavery. In the case of Afghanistan, violence including the Taliban and NATO.
"The Democratic Republic of Congo , rich in diamonds, gold and strategic minerals such as coltan -essential for mobile telephony is also rich in poor and injustice. Since 1998 has killed more than five million people because of the war in the east, where Rwanda, Uganda, Congo, Burundi, Angola and Zimbabwe are fighting wealth.
Permanent war and the presence of many guerrillas, including the Lord's Resistance Army , have created a lawless world in which there is no point the presence of the 'blue helmets' of the UN. The women are victims of sexual violence . More than 400,000 are raped every year. The CBS headline: The war against women .
No figures. The highest may fall short . More than five million deaths in just 13 years, 684 times more than Western soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan . Congolese women are also victims of silence informatico, and looking the other way.
"Pakistan is the third. According to the authors of the report is due to the treatment of women for cultural reasons, tribal and religious. Including acid attacks, the "honor" killings and forced marriages. The same causes, coupled with the war, affecting Afghanistan.
According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, quoted by TrustLaw, the "honor" killings affect thousand women each year. Pakistan was, in theory, U.S. ally, which charges a fortune in aid. The death of Osama bin Laden has become visible what was reality for years. The military secret services in Pakistan, or a significant sector within them, are the creators and inducers of the Taliban .
"India is in fourth place in the ranking of infamy. Is due to female feticide and infanticide, when the fetus and not the already-born are male, the sexual slavery and trafficking in women. The first two cases have caused the "disappearance" of 50 million girls, according to the UN.
TrustLaw The report quoted the interior minister, Madhukar Gupta, who estimates that human trafficking affects every year to 100 million people, mostly women and girls. The Central Office of Information of India, also quoted, says that the country has three million prostitutes, of whom 40% are children. In this video, a police chief defends prostitution because, in his view, avoid violations.
- Somalia is the fifth. In one of the world's most violent , the woman is the subject of violence added to the sexual mutilation increases the risk of mortality in childbirth.
In Somalia there is no state, only criminal gangs and armed groups based on clan, sub-clan or interpretation of the religious radical . No health or education system. The Minister of Women Affairs, Maryam Qasim told TrustLaw it incomprehensible that his country occupied the first place. Without doubt, he deserves it.